Engines / Diesel / EDC 16 general / Test - jerking at full engine load
Mark | Model | Control unit | Diagnostic operation |


Control unit 

Diagnostic operation 

Diagnostic procedure
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- jerking at full engine load
- vehicle does not reach maximum speed
- change in engine sound at an rpm of about XXXX rpm
- engine temperature > XX °C
- second mechanic necessary
- observe the occupation safety rules when taking a test drive with connected diagnostics tester
Start the engine - engine speed = idling
connect with the control unit XX - engine
XX - Coding II enter value XXXXX
from XXXX rpm, accelerate in Xrd gear to about XXXX rpm
XX - Measured values group XXX, XXX
required values group XXX
field X = XX%
required values group XXX
field X = XXXX - XXXX rpm
Stop vehicle
switch-off the ignition
wait XX s
Start the engine - engine speed = idling
connect with the control unit XX - engine
XX - Coding II enter value XXXXX
from XXXX rpm, accelerate in Xrd gear to about XXXX rpm
continue driving at full load
XX - Measured values group XXX, XXX
required values group XXX
field X = XX%
required values group XXX
field X > XXX - XXX °C (values must rise smoothly, it is recommended to use a graphics display for this function)
if values are not achieved - check component:
- temperature sensor GXXX (temperature upstream of component: turbo blower)
- jerking at full engine load
- vehicle does not reach maximum speed
- change in engine sound at an rpm of about XXXX rpm
- engine temperature > XX °C
- second mechanic necessary
- observe the occupation safety rules when taking a test drive with connected diagnostics tester
Start the engine - engine speed = idling
connect with the control unit XX - engine
XX - Coding II enter value XXXXX
from XXXX rpm, accelerate in Xrd gear to about XXXX rpm
XX - Measured values group XXX, XXX
required values group XXX
field X = XX%
required values group XXX
field X = XXXX - XXXX rpm
Stop vehicle
switch-off the ignition
wait XX s
Start the engine - engine speed = idling
connect with the control unit XX - engine
XX - Coding II enter value XXXXX
from XXXX rpm, accelerate in Xrd gear to about XXXX rpm
continue driving at full load
XX - Measured values group XXX, XXX
required values group XXX
field X = XX%
required values group XXX
field X > XXX - XXX °C (values must rise smoothly, it is recommended to use a graphics display for this function)
if values are not achieved - check component:
- temperature sensor GXXX (temperature upstream of component: turbo blower)
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